Lynbrook Job Shadow

Sponsored by Lynbrook High School PTSA

For questions on Job signup and selection, click on Instructions button
Log in to your account to sign up Job Preferences when your grade is eligible
February 10, 2025 (Juniors) - 10:00 pm onwards
February 11, 2025 (Seniors) - 10:00 pm onwards
February 12, 2025 (Sophomores) - 10:00 pm onwards
February 13, 2025 (Freshman) - 10:00 pm onwards
Until February 14, 2025 - 8:00 pm
If you have signed up for the March 17 SAT at Lynbrook, please do not select Jobs that take place in the morning on March 17th

What is Job Shadow?

Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes in a television control room, or tour a state of the art robotics research and development company? Would you like to follow in the footsteps of a cutting edge Engineer, or work side by side with a Neo Natal Nurse?

Job Shadow is an academically motivating experience that provides students with a real look at the world of work while answering the all too common question, "Why do I have to learn this?"

On Monday, March 17th, 2025, Lynbrook students will have the opportunity to shadow workplace mentors through a typical day on the job. Lynbrook Students will find out what it is like to be a doctor, or a judge, or a chef, or a principal.

Students who participate in Job Shadow:

  • Start to identify career interests
  • Observe the daily routine of adults in the workplace
  • Gain an awareness of the academic, technical, and personal skills required for various jobs
  • Make the all important connection between school, work, and achieving goals
Lynbrook Students at VMWare posing for a picture of their Job Shadow day.

Lynbrook students at Electronic Arts

Lynbrook students posing for a picture at a restuarant during their job shadow day.

Lynbrook students at Rambus

Lynbrook students are perfect candidates for Job Shadow!

"I was able to experience the behind-the-scenes work of the news station and this visit reenforced the fact that knowledge is extremely important and how much the news can impact a society."
- Lynbrook Student 2024

"I learned a lot about the legal world that I didn't know about before. Also a lot about the process of a case and how things progress. It was a very fun experience."
- Lynbrook Student 2024

If you have questions, contact: